What is the nature of learning in the digital enterprise – and what role will YOU play in it?
Innovations in Training attracts cross-industry learning and development professionals (limited to 50) who design, deliver and manage training and development inside organizations. Most participants come from corporate environments, along with other learning professionals from universities, nonprofits, government, and military.
Join this immersive learning event — imagining, experiencing and creating a new future of learning for your organization:
Imagining: You will be challenged to break free from your default thinking and limiting assumptions about learning — and expand your capacity to think creativity to innovate.
Experiencing: You will be immersed into environments where breakthrough technologies — such as simulations and VR — are being leveraged to forever alter the way we live, work and learn.
Creating: You will use creative and design processes to envision and prototype the future of learning in your organization.
Come and be inspired by co-learners who come from different roles, different industries, and different countries.
Discover new insights from others who share the-same-but-different challenges to delivering engaging training that impacts the organization.